Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank

Page 832
1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why? It would sitting and not making a sound because I can't stay in one place for a longtime without moving. It is hard because then my bones would get really stiff. Plus the space is so small for a person to stay.

2. a) In scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms? The objects that Mr. Frank found in the secret rooms were a colored scarf and a women's white glove.
b) How are these objects connected with the rest of the act? These objects are connected with the rest of the act because it belonged to them and it was sort of a symbol.

3. a) What special meanings does Hanukkah have for the families? The special meanings that Hanukkah has for the families is just a time were they all get together and spend time with each other.
b) What do Anne's presents show about her? What Anne's presents show about her is that she thinks about each person and gives them on what she thinks about them. Her presents show caring and thoughtfulness.
c) Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents? Others act with enthusiasm to their presents because they are shocked that she had time to think of it and because it comes from her heart. Also it is not what they expected.

4. a) With a partner, discuss Mr. Frank's statement, "There locks that anyone can put on your mind." How does Anne prove that this is true? Anne proves that the statement is true saying that no one can make you think or put ideas in your head, you just come up with them your self.

5. a) What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding?The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding is so they would still be alive and won't get caught by the Nazis.
b) What effects does this situation have on their daily lives? The effects that this situation has on their daily lives is that they can't go outside or they could be seen. They can't work or go to school. It is hard to take care of a family when you are in this situation.

6. a) What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews? The effects that the Nazis intended the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews was to identify them and know who you are.
b) What background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects? The background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps me are the same things in the book.

7. Reveals character and relationships- Where Anne complains about Margot being so perfect. People want her to be like Margot: Anne- Things have changed.People aren't like that any more."Yes, mother.""No, Mother." I've got to fight things out for myself! Make something of myself. I always here Margot from everyone..... how wonderful Margot is...."why aren't you like Margot?" Margot- oh come on, Anne, don't be so..... Anne- Everything she does is right and everything I do is wrong.

Advances the action of the plot- Mr. Van Daan wants to do something or they would come back
Develops the conflict-They have to hide and there is hardly any food.

8. After Mr. Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities? The dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities is that the Franks are kind enough to take one more in when they barley have room. The Van Daans are selfish and not caring for anyone.

Page 870
1. What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend? The thing I like best about Anne Frank is that she has an attitude and that she's not afraid to say anything to anyone. She says what on her mind and doesn't care what people say.

2. a) What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year's Day? The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler brought on New Year's Day was that there was somebody downstairs and they know that they are hiding.
b) What hint does this give about the ending of the play? The hint that this gives the ending is that they know that there are people upstairs hiding so they are going to tell.

3. a) What is the time span of Act II? The time span of Act II is 2 years later.
b) How have the characters changed since the end of Act I? The way the characters changed since the end of Act I was that they got closer to each other and they weren't fighting as much.
c) How do you know that Anne has changed? I know that Anne has changed because she hasn't been complaining about Margot and she was talking to her mom not arguing with her.

4. a) How can Anne believe that " spite of everything....people are really good at heart?" Anne believes that " spite of everything.....people are really good at heart," because it doesn't matter to her what going on, she's not going to be sad. She sort of finds the bright side of things.
b) What does Mr. Frank mean when he says: "She puts me to shame"? What Mr. Frank means when he said "She puts me to shame," is that he can't believe that she can act like that when horrible things are happening to her and she can't see what's going on. She doesn't care what's going to happen.

5. For each of the following events, identify one cause and one effect
a) Mr. Van Daan's decision to steal food: cause-he is taking all the food, effect-the other people don't get to eat.
b) Mrs. Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Daan's to leave. cause-she wants to through them out but changes her mind, effect-she realizes that Peter and Anne got along

6. What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship? Some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship is that she might think that they would do crazy stuff or something.

7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "Secret Annex." List three effects that result from this single cause. 1) It brought up augments. 2) Less food 3) They learned how to get along

8. a) Identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.
Meip-Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms- helpful

Mr. Van Daan-stole food- hungry and selfish
Peter Van Daan-he starts talking to Anne-they become friends

9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? The Possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding is that they can get some money and they can stay alive.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust

1. about six million Jews were murdered
2. It began in June 1941
3. Germans started sending Jews to extermination camps at the end of 1941
4. At the beginning of World War II, Germany invaded Poland
5. Germans got other groups: Gypsies, the disabled, Poles, Russians and other ones
6. In 1984, Germans would kill 2 out of every three European Jews
7. Jews are the victims of Nazi racism and others were 200,000 Gypsies
8. Between 2 and 3 million people died of starvation, neglect, disease, or maltreatment.
9. German authorities killed homosexuals
10. They also killed people whose behavior isn't the same as theirs
11. National Socialist government held a concentration camp
12. The police officials kept the Jews, Roma, and other victims of racial hatred in the camps
13. The Germans and their collaborators created ghettos
14. more than a million Jewish women, men, and children were murdered

15. They deported Jews to different places to get them to killing centers where they were murdered in gassing facilities.
16. Germany invades Norway and Denmark

17. Germany attacks France
18. The Nazi got all men and women Jews and eventually kill them

19. There were certain camps for only women prisoners.
20. More than 100,000 women had been in incarcerated in Ravensbruk in 1945
21. It didn't matter to the Germans if they killed women and children Jewish or not, they still murdered them
22. Pregnant women and mothers of young children were sent to killing centers where they were included to the first group to be at the gas chambers
23. If they dressed Jewish they would be the first to be attack and be identified easier
24. A large number of children in Orthodox families made women a special target of Nazi ideology.

25. Nazis murdered women with disabilities and other euthanasia operations.
26. Women were beaten and raped
27. Pregnant Jewish women were forced to have abortion
28. Women were forced to have sexual relations for food, other necessities, or basic comforts
29. Many women in the camps made informal groups sharing information, food, and clothing.
30. Many women ran away to the forests of Eastern Poland and the Soviet Union which they served in armed partisan units
31. A member of the White Rose resistance group was arrested and executed on February 1942 because she handed out anti-Nazi leaflets
32. There were women who were leaders or members of ghetto resistance organizations
33. There were millions of women who were persecuted and murdered in the holocaust
34. What made women targets was their religious and their political affiliations not their sex.
35. Jewish were forced to live in miserable conditions
36. There were 3 types of ghettos, closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction
37. The largest ghetto is in Poland: Warsaw ghetto
38. Jews who were in ghettos had to wear identifying badges or armbands
39. 5,000-7,000 children were killed as victims
40. Jewish children die of starvation in ghettos
41. The camps took some children directly to the gas chambers
42. Children found ways to survive
43. Children snuck food and medication into the ghettos and grabbed personal things to trade
45. Children escaped with their parents, relatives, and they sometimes escaped by themselves
46. Their were some non-Jews who hid Jewish children and other families
47. They did experiments on them and they didn't use clean tools
48. The experiments they did on them was testing drugs, putting them in pressure chambers, freeing them, they did amputations, and surgeries
49. They changed their eye color by injecting chemicals in the children's eyes
50. The word holocaust means sacrifice by fire in Greek.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

The father's point of view

We were running out of food. Had nothing for my dearest children. They were going to starve. I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want them to die of hunger. But I wanted to live, too. They are all I have. I didn't love my wife. I remarried because I couldn't support them all by myself. But not even that she could help me. She was just thinking of herself. She didn't care for me or my children. She was always calling them brats and treating them with disrespect. So I guess their respect for her isn't good enough. Since we didn't have much food, she wanted us to leave them in the forest for them to die. I refused. They were my children and not hers. Just because she didn't care about them doesn't mean I don't. But she made. She is always the boss. It was like she was the mother and I was her son. Bossing me around thinking she is better. When we left them, they came back the day after. We took them further back in the forest and they didn't come back. I was terrified. I was always wondering if they were o.k. One night when she was a sleep, I went to the forest to find them. But I had no luck. I went back home crying thinking that they were dead. But I got a feeling that made me think that they are close to finding home. Their step-mother died and days after, the children came back. I hugged them to death and said sorry. I never wanted to that again and never will.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

She saw me. Wanted to know what or who I am. I got scared. I ran. She kept following. I was terrified of her. But she was so beautiful. Just amazingly gorgeous. The thing was that she was so annoying. I couldn't stand her. She talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and just wouldn't stop. She wouldn't leave me alone. She just kept following me and talking. She talks about everything. I don't care about the things she says. When she talks, all I hear is blah blah blah. But even though I can't stand her, she is still beautiful. I can't keep my eyes of her.
But when she wasn't with me, I was glad that because I wouldn't hear her annoying voice. But I still had her on my mind. Her body figure, hair and beauty. She just can't get out of my head. It was weird. I couldn't stand her and I can't stand being without her. Then times went by and she went her own way. She pasted away. I felt empty without her. But even though she was gone she was still with me.

Friday, May 1, 2009


The Cat and Dog

One day the cat went to pick up the dog. They were really good friends. They knew each other since they were babies. At first they didn't like each other. Every time their parents would meet, they would give each other a look then walk away. They hated each other because they believed that dogs and cats should never be friends no matter what. Then they got tired of it and decided to be friends. So back to when cat picked up dog. They didn't see each other for months because dog was on a vacation. They started talking about how they been and how it was without each other. Then dog told cat a secret. It was big. Cat suspected that there was something wrong. When dog told cat, he made her promise not to tell anyone. The next day cat was hanging with other friends. They knew something was up. They were begging her to tell them. She didn't. She promised to dog. Then they started a conversation. It got cat talking. That was their plan to make her crack. All of a sudden she told them the secret. They said they won't tell but they did. Everyone was feeling sorry for him and some were laughing at him. Dog was humiliated and was disappointed. He never said a word to cat after that.

Don't trust friends even if they were really close and promised you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame and why?(pick one) *Uncle Billy
*Citizens of Poker Flat
*Bad luck

If I had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths I would blame themselves the outcast. I blame them because they are mostly the blame. They are the reason why they are dead. If they weren't who they are, they would still be alive. Because they are prostitutes, drunks, and a gambler they got kicked out of Poker Flat. So they were looking for shelter. Then a storm came. The snow started piling up and it started getting worse. Also they didn't gather any food much food when they left. They are the blame for being dead.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

"The Story of an hour"
I think the way Kate Chopin showed freedom in this is story was cool and funny. At first I thought it was going to be a sad story. I thought the lady was going to be depressed, lonely then eventually kill her self. But it didn't turn out that way. She was actually happy that her husband died and she could be free. When that part came up I was thinking that she was going to live her life and do things she wants. But she died in shock. She is now free, sort of.
"The Blind Man"
I think this story is sad and the characters in here are mean and judgmental. The way people act about disabled people and the rich being better than the poor. It is just horrible how our world is. The way people care about the rich then the poor. If something happened the a pour disabled person people are like who cares. That is just mean. Can't they emagine what they have to go threw. In this story no one offered to help the blind guy and the kids were taking advantage of him. This story taught me something, too. The message is that people don't care about disabled people. They are different from us but not much. We shouldn't treat them badly, if you see someone disabled help them if they need it. Don't be like the people in the story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

I watched carefully. After they drank the water, I kept a close eye on each and one of them. When they drank it they became young. That is when I started observing them. It was really shocking. They were the same. No change, nothing. There were acting like their own old crappy self. I thought they would look in the mirror and see them selves and notice what they are. But no. They were young and did the same as usual. Mr. Medbourne was thinking on ripping people off, Colone is still a drunk, Gascoigne still talking about politics, and Widow Wycherly still being a loose women. I thought I could change them. But I didn't. What I should have done was bring people in just like them and they would see how they are.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you know the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.

If I was given a choice to have an operation that would make me smarter I think I would, even though it doesn't last forever, then again maybe not. I would take the operation even though I knew it was temporary because it is chance for me to know how it is being smart and for people to stop making fun of me like people did to Benjamin. It is nice to know things instead of being retarded. Then again it was temporary and you won't last long. In the story Algernon died after the operation. So Charlie is going to die, too. I wouldn't want it if I'm not going to live after it worked. There is no point in having it if you are not going to live.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-the end

Family, Age, Beauty: Explain what this story says about each of these issues. use examples from the story to support your explanation.
There is only one thing that this books shows about what family is. It is saying that family really doesn't support you because you're not not normal or something. When Benjamin was born he came out old and his father was terrified and didn't like him. He was going threw ruff times and no one comforted him. Family is to make each other happy when they are down and neither of them did it for Benjamin. His son was even disrespecting him when he isn't supposed to. They don't know what he was going threw and shouldn't treat him like that. So really it is saying that if you're don't look like us they we are not your family.

What this book is saying about age is that you go threw different things and how people act about it. It was hard for Benjamin because he came out backyards. He started out as a 70 year old man then became younger. In the age that you are in you do sertain things.
What this book is saying about beauty is that people care about so much. Benjamin was forced to die his hair and cut his beard to look younger because his dad couldn't except him for who he was. They asume that the way you look is your age. They try to look so much younger.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each.

One of the problems that he will encounter is that his wife and his child notices what is going on with him and he tells them so they get a divorce and move far way from him. Another problem is that he can encounter is that he will be tired of people thinking that he is weird because they notice that he is getting younger so he ends up killing him self or run away to far place in the forest and stay there for ever. He will never come out of the house and the only people he can talk to is himself and the animals. The other problem he will encounter is that he finally knows what is going on with him. He keeps thinking about what will happen when the after he is a day old. When he figures it out he finds ways to reverse it or something. But what I really think is that this is a dream the dad is having because he is worried about how to take care of his child.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks & is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

The thing that Roger should do is panic. There's really nothing he could do. If people ask Roger about the old man, I think the best idea is to lie. If he tells the truth they are going to think that he is crazy. Another thing he could do is try to make his child look a bit younger and say that he is a long lost relative or a friend who is much older. He could also get used to the way his child looks and enjoy the life. If he does tell people the truth and they say things that is trying to hide what they really want to say, then he should keep him in the house. It is not to listen to what people say things about something like that.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chaper 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

If I was Roger Button in Chapter 1, I would sort of act the same way as he did. I would be really shocked that my child is born as a 70 year old man. It would be really scary finding that out. How would you feel if your child was born like that. you wouldn't be calm about. You wouldn't be saying "Oh. How you o.k.? I'm your father. Let's go home so you can rest and we'll talk later" You wouldn't be saying that. You would to be nice but it is hard to. What I would have done different is take deep breaths, sit down, and relax for a bit. Not freak out and yell at my child. Try to get use to the way he looks and get past that he is a 70 year old man. Just look inside and keep in mind that he is your child. It may be hard but his yours. Another thing I would do if I was Roger Button i s think how old people act and what things they use and stuff like that, so I can get those things for him.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What is life?

What is life?
What is the point of living?
We are born, grow old and die.
We really do nothing
Most people stay home and don’t enjoy what’s there
Some go live it and travel
They know what it is
Then there are people like me
Hates living, hates life, does nothing
There’s no happiness
No joy, no laughs
No friends, no family
You don’t know what is going around you
And no one knows that you exists
That’s the thing, life isn’t about happiness
There are many things we can do
Enjoy nature and what mother earth gave us
Go help people who is in need and express yourself
Have a life and have a big imagination

Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

I am just a little girl. My name is Judy and I am 7 years old. The day started out early in the morning. Just like every Saturday I herd the beautiful sound of birds chirping and felt the wind blow quietly. I got dressed to help my dad. We always do things together. He had me feed the birds. I threw pieces of bread by the fountain we had. They are always over there. I noticed that it was empty. So I went to get some water to fill it up. When I had filled all these birds came flying in. It was so wonderful seeing all the different colors and kinds there were. When they flew in, it looked like they made a shape of a flower. It was beautiful. After that I helped my dad in the farm.

Then in the afternoon I was helping my mom in the house. I was cleaning all the rooms while she was sweeping. I had to pick up the clothes that were on the floor and wash them. While we were doing that my dad and my brother were out side cutting grass and washing the animals. After that I was helping my mom in the kitchen. We were cooking food for dinner. While the food was in the oven, I was setting up the table. I put a table cloth on top of the table, then I set the plates cups and silverware. When the food was done, I took it out and set it on the table. I then filled a picture with juice and put it on close to the end of the table.

After that me and my mom cleaned up and called the family to come in and eat. It was me, my mom, my two brothers, and my grandmother. Our horse and dog were included, too because we consider them as family. When they came in I told them to wash up. I noticed that my dad wasn't here. I asked my brother where he was and he said that he doesn't know. That he left him doing all the work. He didn't want to ague so he did what dad said. Then mom said to eat. I wanted to wait for him but I was hungry. I waited 20 minutes and he still didn't show. I was really worried about him. But mom said not to because he usually walks out before dinner to think about things.

When we were eating, It was sort of quite. I kept looking at the empty seat where my dad is suppose to sit. Every time I looked there I would always think of possible things but didn't want to believe them. My mom kept feeding the horse and didn't notice that the dog was begging for more food. Everyone was very hungry. They ate like pigs especially my brother. he kept getting more and more and didn't leave much for us. So me and my younger brother stopped eating. I noticed in the corner of the wall that there was a person. I tried to point it out to my mom but she wasn't listening. It looked like a ghost. He sort of looked like my dad. Then all of a sudden it disappeared and then my dad came. I was so happy. I gave him a big hug and told him that if he leaves again that he needs to tell me so that I won't worry.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. When people mumble
2. When people tell you what to do and they do it
3. when people ask questions that they all ready asked.
4. when people keep poking me
5. When people smoke
6. when parents don't know anything about their kids
7. people don't flush the toilet
8. people keep calling your name
9. when people talk to you all at the same time
10. when people talk when people are on the phone
11. people don't clean their house when they have company
12. when people get mad they take it on other people
13. when friends make jokes about you then they try to be your friend
14. when people interrupt conversations
15. when people don't fix their hair.
16. when people ask for your advice but doesn't take it
17. when people vacuum while your asleep and when your watching TV
18. when people talk crap about you
19. when moms' dress like a teenager
20. when parents ask you if you want to go to place where you don't want to go but then makes you
21. when people show an embarrassing video of you to everybody with out your permission
22. when people ask about my mood
23. when you ask for help but they don't help you and they help other people
24. when people control other peoples' lives
25. when people don't tell the truth
26. I hate it when people hit me
27. hate it when people kick my chair
28. hate when people act like other people
29. hate it when I'm at a store people stare at me
30. when friends ditch real friends then go back with them and then ditch again.
31. when people take my food
32. when kids cry
33. racist people
34. drivers who speed
35. when people act white
36. hate when guys cheat on girls and/or abuse them

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard to keep. We were just catching up again. We haven't seen each other for 3 years after high school. It was a sunny day when we started talking. We were best friends since 2nd grade. I was knew in the school and he was the only one who would talk to me. He is a really good friend and so was I. He would tell me his secrets but before he did he tested me to see if he could trust me. He told me a fake secret and found out months later that I didn't tell one single person. That is when he knew and started telling me his real secrets. When I found out that the first one was made up, I did the same to him and he didn't even know until I told him.

So back to the day where we got together. We were talking like we always have. He was telling me all the things that happened to him. Then his mood just dropped. His smile became a frown. I could also tell because of the way he was talking. I asked him what was wrong and that he knows he can trust me about anything. I kept asking him then he started crying. I told him to tell me so that I can help. He finally told me but said not to change the way I treat him. I was shocked and I started crying, too. His secret was sad and he said not to tell anyone and that I'm the only one who knows. I asked him why he hasn't told anyone else. He said because he was afraid of them treating him differently. That is why he was afraid to tell and said not to change the way I see in him.

The secret was that was depressed and has cancer. He was like that for about 5 years. He told me that he was so afraid and he wants to go to a place so he can "fix his problem." I was thinking about what he meant and it was that he wanted to kill himself. I couldn't let that happen, but I also couldn't tell his secret. I don't know what to do. I tried to find help quick. I just found my best friend and I couldn't let him go. I tricked him thinking that I was giving him a big surprise when I actually took him to a therapist to talk about his problem. When i told he got mad and said that he never thought about me be trailing him. I told him that I never told his secret and that I just wanted to help. He didn't want it. I told him that killing himself won't solve anything. I also told him that I missed him and I didn't want to loose him. I also said to remember all the good times that we had when we where good friends. We went home and we haven't talk for 3 weeks.

After that, we called me. I was so relieved for hearing his voice. He told me that he thought about it and he would like to talk to me about it instead. We did. I was helping him with his problems and that he should try to tell his family. his life was a bit better. 4 months later, he was gone. He died of his cancer and I was glad that I could talk to him before he had passed away.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. It all started with a strange call the office had received. We her gun shots and a women screaming. We traced the call and rushed over there. On our way, I saw someone running and she kept looking back at the house. I gave the car behind me a single saying to follow that girl while another car went to the house where the strange phone call came from.

Mean while I went inside the house that the girl was looking at to see what her problem was. It was so horrible inside. You do not even what to imagine it. I wish that the image in my head would be gone. But it was so scary, you can't let an image like that get out of your head. There was a girl laying on the floor covered in her own blood. It looked like she was first beat up then someone got out of hand and cut her opened. The person took her blood, threw it on the wall, and wrote some horrible things. I wanted to puke. I called the office to get other people from the station to help investigate.

They were taking pictures and samples while I was thinking. A lot of things came up in mind. But the most important is who is the dead girl and the girl who was running. Did she have something to do with it? Does she now the girl or who did it? When she saw that, why didn't she come to the police? But I think she was the one who did it or she was involved. There was no time to waste. I had to figure it out. I took a look around to find other clues and to see what this girl name is. All I found was book written by Tina Cooger. It had a picture of her and it looked just like the girl who is dead. It is!! But the detectives says that her name is Linda Gray. Then who is this Tina Cooger? I kept thinking of a solution, but nothing came up. When I was looking around and staring at Linda something popped up. I had never seen these books before and never herd about them from my friend. So maybe Linda Gray is the author but just used a different name so no one would know who she is.

I started reading her books to see if she was writing about her life. I found out that she is in no contact with any of her family members except her twin sister. Her life was really hard for her because no one believe in her and she starting to not believe in her to. She had a bad boyfriend and two really nice friends who are always with her. When her family found out that her boyfriend Juan was beating her and broke up they cared. But they found out that she got back with him and put her on the streets. It has to be her boyfriend or one of her family members. While I was thinking, I just remembered about the phone call. My phone rang and it was Sue. She told me that nothing was at the house, that they probably they did that to distract us from something else. Now who are these people? Are they part of Linda's death? I was so confused. I had no idea what to do.
The next day I went to a lab to get the samples tested. Then I went looking for the suspects. I contacted all of Linda's relatives that she mentioned in her books. I also got her boyfriend and her two best friends to come in. When they all came in, I looked at each to see who it was. I was a very good judge of character, so that sort of helped me. When I saw them, they were all well dressed. The one that really caught my eye was her sister. She was the girl who I saw running. She was the first one I wanted to talk to. The other person that caught my eye was her cousin. She looked the same age as Linda. So they probably were close. When I entered the room, I noticed a lot of hate. You can feel it, too and there was confusing around the room. They were all asking the same question: Why are they here? I told them that Linda was found murdered just yesterday at 4. I got the same replies that people get when they tell someone just died: What? How? Oh my gosh! They were all shocked. The thing is that they don't know that they are suspects. One reply that shocked me was one of her best friends named Jen. She came with the other friend named Josh. Her reply shocked me because it sounded so fake. Like she didn't care or she knew. Well who knows. It wasn't even time to come up with conclusions.
I started questioning each and everyone. I started asking her family if they had any idea who it would be. They all said her boyfriend Juan. I asked them why they said it was him. They told me because it was so abusive and controlling her and it has got to be him. My other question for them was why he kept beating her. They had no idea. They thought because he is an alcoholic or he was just crazing. Linda's sister told me that her family wasn't really supportive for her when she got back with him and that she was. She didn't want to because she knew he wasn't good for her. The only reason she did was because she needed support and she was her sister. She had no chose really. She just felt bad for her. Then I asked her friends questions but mostly Jen. She was also her book publisher. She told me that she was mad that Linda didn't want to do what she did. She wanted to make changed but Linda refused. She was mad at Linda. Everyone goes with what Jen likes weather they like it or not. Jen wanted to change it because there were things there about her that she didn't like and things about other people. Linda got tired of Jen and went to somebody else.
Now it was time with Juan. He told me that he wanted to protect her so much. She wasn't listing to him and he had no other choice but to beat her. He felt really bad about it. That is all he told me. I kind of thought of him being the one but not so much. I sent them home so they could relax and calm down. Now it was time to eliminate suspects. The only ones left was Juan, Jen, Linda's sister, and her cousin. The samples finally came in and there was a match. A hair looked like her sister's. I called them so they know if they are or not suspects and that they would be in trial. A week later, everyone was in court. The first one to testify was Juan. He said between that time she was killed he was with in the area. He was on his way to meat her because she asked him to come so they could talk. he never got a chance because he got stuck helping his brother move. He called her but she never answered. We asked him how her family acted with him and said that he noticed he wasn't welcomed. He respected that and he didn't want to judge them. it was their opinion and he couldn't change it. But he liked them very much and loved Linda. He tried to change who he was so that he would be right for Linda. He tried going to therapy to see if it would help. It sort of did. He is still working on it.
We kept asking him the same things to confuse him and to see if he changed his story. He didn't at all. Either he was telling the truth or had a good memory of his lies. The nest person her sister. She seemed weird. What she told us was that Linda asked her to come to talk, too. When she went there she saw Linda on the floor and all that blood. She got really scared. I asked her why she ran and she said because she just walked in and saw it. She didn't know what to do. When she said that she started crying. I asked her if Linda told her anything. She kept silent. She didn't want to say anything. She had a secret. It was that she was seeing someone else. She was also having problems with that person. I noticed that Linda invited the suspects to her house because they needed to talk about things. When it was Jen's turn she said that Linda also asked her to come. When she got there she was still alive. They were arguing and that is it.
It was time to decide. We really didn't know who it was. We took out time. It took hours and hours. He knew that Juan couldn't do it because if he told lies he had to show it. He didn't play with his hair, his arms and legs were still and he wasn't stuttering. So he had to tell the truth. But the other two were confusing. Linda's sister was good at lying says in the books. There was something missing. So i sent everyone home ans that they had to come back the next day. When they went home, I went to Linda's house. I closed my eyes to see if I could feel anything. I had weird things happen to me so I thought of trying it. I got the picture of Jen and Linda but that was it. Later on I got a call. The person said if i solved it I would regret it. The voice sounded familiar. It sounded sort of like Jen's and the girl in the background was someone else. The next day I asked Jen to do a man voice and it sounded exactly like that. I also noticed that yesterday when she was talking she didn't care for anything. She acted like she didn't want to help. I started asking Linda's sister more questions and telling a story to see if she would crack. She was starting to. She kind of did. She told me more about this other person she was seeing and one clue went to Jen. Everyone got tired and then......."O.k. I can't take it anymore. I know who it was. It was Jen." I turned to Jen and got mad.
Then there was yelling across the room. people blaming each other. I didn't pay attention to the conversation. I was looking at the faces. And there it was. The guilt on..... 2 peoples faces? Oh my gosh it was Jen and the other publisher. They were both in it together. Jen really liked the books but pretended to hate it because she didn't like Juan. When Linda wouldn't Listen to her she just had to do something. She contacted the other publisher to look for Linda and talk. They started liking each other. So the first phone call was a distraction so that the police would go all the way over there and not find about Linda's. So I was shocked. I thought it would be a family member because of Juan but it wasn't. That was it. Jen and her sister got arrested. Yes, the other publisher was Jen's sister and Linda was bisexual.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

There are many things that would make Logandale a better school. One thing is to have better teachers. Another thing is more activities. My final thing is the students behavior. If you want students to come and stay, then listen to what we have to say.

My first reason is that the school needs better teachers. Some teachers here are mean and don’t make learning fun. Some teachers don’t even care if we learn or not. Also, teachers sometimes overwork us. If the teachers are better, then maybe the principal would include more activities.

My second reason is that the school needs more activities. I think the school should include things like music and art class where you can draw anything to express your artistic skills, it should be held after school. The school should have after school programs like dance that is longer than an hour and other programs that are fun and help students. It should also have fun things like pajama day, crazy hair day, or something that would make this school look better. If the school has more activities then the students behavior would change.

My last reason is about the students behavior. If it is the students behavior why students leave then they should try to ignore them so they won’t get in any trouble. Boys should show more respect for girls instead of boys hooting and hollering. Students should have a better attitude about coming to school. Students should control their attitudes between students including the new ones.

In conclusion, there are many things that can make this school better. The teachers could be better. It could also have more activities like plays, too. The students behavior should also change. With these things, the school would be better.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jaymee's life story

December 9th was the worst day of my life, my first daughter was born. Her father named her after his cousin Jaime. I wanted her middle name to be Ginah but her grandmother said that it has to be a catholic name. Now her middle name is Marie. I had to have a cession with her. She kept crying and crying. We lived in an apartment and was friends with the people upstairs. Her half sister Erica lived with us, but then moved. We took pictures of her waring her dad's glasses. She was so chubby and had those cute chubby cheeks. I remember when she cries, i would put her in my arms and sing to her so she would calm down and go to sleep. It is nice having children....until they start walking and talking.

Two years later we moved out and lived with her grandmother where I had her sister named Genielynn. They both were pains, especially Genie. They were also crazy. I remember when i dropped them off at preschool and i would leave, i can hear both of them cry. I kept moving them school to school until i found one close to us. I finally found one and it was really good. I liked the principal and one of the teachers and so did the girls. I used to dress them the same and when they saw the pictures they both got mad. We really liked them and they liked us. They also made new friends and saw friends from the other schools. One day in the summer, they went home with the principal and with some of their friends. She invited 5 girls to see her house. When i picked them up, they told me all the fun they had and things about the principal. This was when Jaymee was about 7 or 8.

Then one of my sisters, brother, and I decided that we should take our kids to the Philippines. So we went on our first family trip and when we told everyone that we will be gone for about three weeks, they were so sad. It was a tiring trip just to get there and we had to wait for a long time for the other plane, but the kids had fun any ways. We took them to see our old house where we use to live. They noticed that it was very small and that we had to bend down when we are there. They also met some relatives. It was a really exciting experience for them just being in the Philippines and just experiencing things.

Those were sort of the good days when she didn't talk back. That changed when she was in 4th grade. She started giving me an attitude and talking back to family members and always fighting with her cousin that is the same age as her. She also became very expensive and cared about how she looked. I liked it better where i can dress her and she couldn't say anything about it. Even though she was like that, we still had some good times. What ever we do we laugh and i always make fun of the way she talks. It is so funny. Also,her sister always make fun of her which is funny too. We all have great laughs.

Now that she has attitude we always get into fights. She always says that she hates me and when ever she gets in agurments wit her dad she tells me why I am still with him because I always tell her what sort of guys not be with and all I say are exsamples of her dad. She also says that i dont love her and when i say that i do she says that I don't show it. She is just a pain.

Friday, February 27, 2009

What i wish from Barack Obama

I wish that Barack Obama should allow gay marriage for many reasons. One is why treat them any different? They are still humans. Also, don’t judge people on who they are. Just because they changed a bit, they still should have the right.

My second reason is why treat them any different? You wouldn’t like it if they treated you any different because your emo or something. People say that god doesn’t like it, but god loves all his children. You shouldn’t treat them as if they had 2 noses or something. So why treat them any different, they are still humans.

My second reason is that they are still humans. They still have a heart, a nose, ears, a mouth, and other organs. Nothing much changed but their personality. It’s human nature that we find someone to love. They are humans, so don’t judge them.

My last reason is to not judge people on who they are. You can’t judge a book by it’s cover so don’t judge a person on what they are like. You might think that it is gross but at least they have someone they can love. You don’t know them so don’t judge them. Judging them is really wrong.

In conclusion, I wish that Barack Obama should allow gay marriage. First, why treat them any different? Second, is that they are still humans. Also, don’t judge people on who they are. Don’t you think he should allow it?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life changing event

One life changing event was when I was in 7th grade. I was really good freinds with Zuly, Elizabeth, and Karen. Me and Amanda were freinds but not really that close. But that all changed. Amanda and I use to get in a lot of arguments so then I started hanging with Estefany. That was when me and her were really close.
Then Estefany kept ditching me so then i went back to Amanda. Zuly, Karen, and Eli. That was the year all of us were close except Amanda because we kpet leaving her out. We started talking a lot and laughing and making fun of each other. We were acted like each other so that we can see how we act.
Then I started feeling left out like Amanda was, so i was freinds with Estefany again. The thing about that year was that there was a lot of drama between me and them. We kept fighting on how me and amanda are being left out so then it was just us two and we started hanging with ernie. That is how the 3 of became close freinds and now we added crystal. My life changed because i was with the 3 girls at first and noticed that i was in amanda's shoes. I new how she felt so i started hanging with her instead. So now I only have 3 best freinds. I barly talk to the other three. Have you ever felt that your freinds weren't your freinds? Well that is how i felt.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

Yes, I do think that parents are the best teachers. They are there for you in the beginning. it is better learning stuff from them. Also, you take it more serious with your parents than teachers in school. Your parents taught you when you were young, so aren't they the best?

My first reason is that they are there in the beginning. They are there when we take our first steps. They are also there when we say our first word like mommy, daddy, or some other word. They know what kids like to do in their different ages. For them being there in the beginning, it is better learning it from them.

My second reason is that t is better learning stuff from them. I t is better because when you are a baby, they teach you how to walk and talk which is setting memories for them and that they took their time in teaching you. Some people think that their parents aren't the best teachers but I do because it shows that they are there for you. Also, that just because they are tilted as your parents they think that they don’t have to always be there for you. It is better learning it from them because you would take it more serious.

My third reason is that you would take it more serious with your parents than teachers in school. There are some things that we learn in school that the kids laugh at and things. But when our parents teach us those things we actually listen instead of playing around. Also, we won’t be as distracted as we are in school. When they teach us, we take it more serious than when the teachers teach.

In conclusion, parents are the best teachers. They are there for you in the beginning of your life. It is better learning from them because you feel more comfortable. Also, you would take it more serious with them. Parents are your life mentors.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

An important skill that everyone should learn to be successful in life is learning first aid. It will come up everyday in your life. You can get a good job. You would be very helpful for people in need. Learning first aid is a skill everyone should learn.

My first reason is that it will come up everyday in your life. People get injured almost everyday and if it is serious, waiting for an ambulance would take to long. Also, if a little kid gets a cut, it should be treated before it gets worse and will get infected. You would be learning stuff about first aid and can treat peoples injures everyday.

My second reason is that you can get a good job. A job that you can get with learning first aid is a doctor or a lifeguard. Another job might be a school doctor or a pediatrician if you like working with kids. The first job I listed is really good because you get paid a lot and you do things like operation or work with patients that have a broken finger or something. A lifeguards do mouth-to-mouth on a swimmer for them to breath again and let the water out their lungs.

My last reason is that you would be helpful to people in need. In movies or shows I see that these people have parties and one person chokes or eats something they are allergic to. Somebody can help them breath again by sticking a pen in their throat. You can also tie a piece of fabric on somebody’s leg or arm to stop the bleeding so that they don’t lose a lot of blood. Also, you can teach someone who wants to learn it.

In conclusion, it is important to learn first aid. You can get a job that relates to that and relates to a bit of what you like doing. People get injured almost everyday. Also, there are people who need help learning it or someone who is really injured badly. This is why first aid is something everyone should learn to be successful in life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

My best day ever was my 14 birthday. It was on a Tuesday. Usually things good happen in the afternoon, but for me, it was right when I woke up for volleyball. On Tuesday for volleyball, I don't get up by myself, but just because it was my birthday, i still woke up happy without a feeling how the day would go. Of course my mom sang to me and stuff. Then I went to fix my hair and all of a sudden my sister comes in asking me for something and forgot that it was my birthday. I was mad but not that mad because she really doesn't know any body's birthday. I was in a really good mood for once when it is my birthday.

So when I entered the gym all my friends that were in volleyball yelled happy birthday to me. Then when the bell ranged, I went to my locker to get my books and other people said happy birthday to me. Then Amanda called me so I turned around and she said happy birthday and threw my gift in my face. It was a purple shirt that had a chain on the shoulder and had some cool designs on it. When I saw it, I was jumping around because i really loved it. It was so beautiful.

My mom said that i can invite some of my friends to eat and have cake. So I invited Eli, Karen, Zuly, Amber, and Amanda. The thing was that Amanda said that she would see if she can come but she doubts it. Then in lunch of course the class sang to me. That was OK, the good thing was that I didn't turn red. I stayed after school until 4 o' clock. Then amber walked with to my house so her parents wouldn't drive her or anything. So when I got home i gave my mom and dad a big hug and was so happy that my mom got me the cake and made me the food i wanted.

So Karen and Vanessa finally came. After that the phone ranged and it was Amanda. She said that she can come and that she was surprised and so was I. I was so happy that she came. After we ate Eli finally decided to come and we started taking a lot of pictures. When my mom took a picture of us she said a word in Tagalog and i started cracking up. My dad was in the kitchen and when he herd my mom say it, he looked at her with a weird look and said what are you teaching those girls. It was very funny. Later on I opened my presents and was really happy. I got chocolates, clothes, and a flat iron.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nautre haiku

Patterns twist and turn
See how the colors blend in
Wish i can see one

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her smile

When I saw her smile, I knew she was up with something. At first it was like nothing, but the more she stared, the more I saw through her lies. They were best friends since kinder-garden and never had trouble. That changed when I saw her like that. I moved a month ago and Alexandra was nice enough to keep me company when no one else did. The thing is that she wanted to, but Samantha didn't. I knew she didn't because i herd her yell at Alexandra saying " No. Why do we have to? Why do we have to be her? She looks so lame and weird."

So, of course all became good friends. Samantha learned that was I was a really cool person and that she couldn't judge a person on their looks. After 2 months we became friends, there as this really cute french boy that is new here. Sam and Alex both liked him. When they saw him walk pass them, they both melted. When he came I ran to him, and gave him a big hug. I told them that i used to go out with him, but things didn't work out, so we became really good friends and didn't see him for awhile.

Then in lunch, I sat in the table we usually sit in. When I sat down, I said, " Hey guys! I would like you to meet Antoine." They both had their mouth open but nothing came out. Then finally they said hi. So then they kept asking him questions about him. We were talking about relationship stuff and how we feel about people. The next week, Sam and I saw Alex and Antoine holding hands.

Then I turned to Sam and she was fine, up to the point when all three of us went to the bathroom. All of sudden Sam says " How could you, Alex? You know i liked him and that i was going to ask him out." "I'm sorry, but i was at my locker and he came up to me, saying that he likes me and asked me out. I thought about it and you, but that cute accent. I just couldn't resist. I'm so sorry. I will just tell him that I can't go out with him because your my friend," said Alex. "NO. It's o.k. Just glad that your happy and plus i was too late," said Sam. I couldn't believe it. It was so shocking to me. I thought Sam was the kind of girl who always gets the boy she wants no matter what. But i guess I was wrong?

Everything was cool when i was talking to Alex, until she went to her locker and I saw Sam and Antonie kissing. Did Alex and him break up? Is her cheating? What should i do? Maybe it is a different guy. I keep thinking if I should tell Alex. But it might be a different guy, so i should just leave it alone. 6 days later, i am in the front of the school. Everything seems to be o.k. I see Sam at the corner of the park and Alex and her boyfriend walking. Then when i turn to Sam she is smiling in a weird way at Antonie. He is smiling back at her. Now i know what is going on. He is cheating on Alex with Sam.

Instead of telling Alex, i go on yelling at Sam. I told her that i can't beleive you did that. She said who cares. As long as she dosen't know, I'm o.k. I said that she will. If i don't tell her then i'm not a good freind, I will be like you a backstaber. Then i walked away. When I told Alex she got mad. When Sam came to talk to Alex like nothing's wrong, things happened. Sam said hi. Alex said "Don't talk to me like nothings wrong. I know what you did. How could you? Just because you are mad at me for what i did to you, doesn't mean you can get refenge.You're just no better. So they didn't talk ever again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things I want to do in my lifetime

1. Have an adventure
2. Go to different places
3. Have my own fashion line
4. Go to India
5. Bungee jump
6. Model for my clothing
7. Model for famous designers
8. Be an actress
9. become famous
10. Be a photographer
11. Have a house with a big closet
12. Have a pool
13. Want to go sky diving
14. Work with dolphins
15. Go surfing
16. Date a hot skater
17. Get tattoos
18. Die my hair
19. Change everything about me for a year
20. Adopt a kid
21. Have a pair of twins
22. Meet famous singers
23. Give to charity
24. Help around the community
25. Get some piercings