Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each.

One of the problems that he will encounter is that his wife and his child notices what is going on with him and he tells them so they get a divorce and move far way from him. Another problem is that he can encounter is that he will be tired of people thinking that he is weird because they notice that he is getting younger so he ends up killing him self or run away to far place in the forest and stay there for ever. He will never come out of the house and the only people he can talk to is himself and the animals. The other problem he will encounter is that he finally knows what is going on with him. He keeps thinking about what will happen when the after he is a day old. When he figures it out he finds ways to reverse it or something. But what I really think is that this is a dream the dad is having because he is worried about how to take care of his child.


  1. Wow
    I like the fact that you think its a dream Rodger is having.

  2. I like it Jaymee and I agree on what Amanda said :D

  3. I agree with Amanda too! :] Anyways good problems && solutions..
