The father's point of view
We were running out of food. Had nothing for my dearest children. They were going to starve. I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want them to die of hunger. But I wanted to live, too. They are all I have. I didn't love my wife. I remarried because I couldn't support them all by myself. But not even that she could help me. She was just thinking of herself. She didn't care for me or my children. She was always calling them brats and treating them with disrespect. So I guess their respect for her isn't good enough. Since we didn't have much food, she wanted us to leave them in the forest for them to die. I refused. They were my children and not hers. Just because she didn't care about them doesn't mean I don't. But she made. She is always the boss. It was like she was the mother and I was her son. Bossing me around thinking she is better. When we left them, they came back the day after. We took them further back in the forest and they didn't come back. I was terrified. I was always wondering if they were o.k. One night when she was a sleep, I went to the forest to find them. But I had no luck. I went back home crying thinking that they were dead. But I got a feeling that made me think that they are close to finding home. Their step-mother died and days after, the children came back. I hugged them to death and said sorry. I never wanted to that again and never will.
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10 years ago
good job jaymee i like it. how did the mother died?