Then in the afternoon I was helping my mom in the house. I was cleaning all the rooms while she was sweeping. I had to pick up the clothes that were on the floor and wash them. While we were doing that my dad and my brother were out side cutting grass and washing the animals. After that I was helping my mom in the kitchen. We were cooking food for dinner. While the food was in the oven, I was setting up the table. I put a table cloth on top of the table, then I set the plates cups and silverware. When the food was done, I took it out and set it on the table. I then filled a picture with juice and put it on close to the end of the table.
After that me and my mom cleaned up and called the family to come in and eat. It was me, my mom, my two brothers, and my grandmother. Our horse and dog were included, too because we consider them as family. When they came in I told them to wash up. I noticed that my dad wasn't here. I asked my brother where he was and he said that he doesn't know. That he left him doing all the work. He didn't want to ague so he did what dad said. Then mom said to eat. I wanted to wait for him but I was hungry. I waited 20 minutes and he still didn't show. I was really worried about him. But mom said not to because he usually walks out before dinner to think about things.
When we were eating, It was sort of quite. I kept looking at the empty seat where my dad is suppose to sit. Every time I looked there I would always think of possible things but didn't want to believe them. My mom kept feeding the horse and didn't notice that the dog was begging for more food. Everyone was very hungry. They ate like pigs especially my brother. he kept getting more and more and didn't leave much for us. So me and my younger brother stopped eating. I noticed in the corner of the wall that there was a person. I tried to point it out to my mom but she wasn't listening. It looked like a ghost. He sort of looked like my dad. Then all of a sudden it disappeared and then my dad came. I was so happy. I gave him a big hug and told him that if he leaves again that he needs to tell me so that I won't worry.